Time to Shed Your Skin and Transform in the Year of the Snake!
Wood Snake Chinese New Year 2025
29th January 2025 - 16th February 2026
I find always find that January is the cross over from one year to the next and the new energies don’t really start ramping up until the end of January/beginning of February, hence why I find the Chinese New Year important when looking at the overall energies.
The year of the wood snake coincides with the first new moon of 2025, which will be in Aquarius, a sign of progress and evolution, on 29th January 2025. The last snake year we had was in 2013.
The snake is the sixth animal in the Chinese zodiac and represents wisdom, knowledge, intelligence, intuition and creativity. Snakes are also associated with good luck, prosperity, fertility and longevity.
In some legends, snakes are considered divine messengers and guardians of sacred places. Snakes are also revered for their ability to shed their skin and renew themselves, symbolising transformation and rebirth.
There are five Taoist elements Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, and Wood, the element Wood symbolizes growth. This wood snake year offers us the opportunity to let go of the past, help us to express ourselves in new and creative ways, especially if we have been holding back, and move forward much more easily. However, the snake can also be secretive, cunning and sometimes ruthless too, so protection and boundaries are also important this year!
Hong Kong-based astrologist Letao Wang says, “The Year of the Snake in 2025 is all about intuition, wisdom, and transformation. Snakes are known for their calm, thoughtful nature, and this year will bring that same energy - encouraging us to look inward and plan thoughtfully. It’s a time to let go of old habits or patterns, much like a snake shedding its skin, making room for renewal and growth.”
The snake year is an opportunity to reflect, plan and then build. Taking the time to think things through is a much better strategy this year than rushing straight in! Trust your intuition and strike when the time is right, and the energy fully supports your plan.
There will be a lot of uncertainty this year in terms of political tension, environmental challenges and I feel a lot of underlying rebellion from the masses, especially from March onwards. People have had enough, so expect some uprisings and unrest! This will be a very transformational year.
2025 is a 9 year, in numerology, which is a time of endings and fits perfectly with the year of the snake! We need to let go of the past and step fully into our power.
If you have been a “people pleaser” and not taken your own self-care seriously, this is the time to STOP and protect your energy! Don’t exhaust yourself trying to do everything for everyone and everything at once as you will feel very tired and overwhelmed.
The snake as a creature of healing, which influences the physical body to shift to a more spiritual outlook. Take your time this year with all your endeavours, and look after your health, especially your energy. It is a great year for growth and stability, there is no need to rush or push.
Allow yourself to go with the flow and let go of the desire to be in control. Only then will we be free from former situations and be able to live as we please. The snake glides along using its intuition, so trusting our gut is what is going to lead us on the right path.
The wood snake enhances compassion and empathy, so we will be able to connect on a deeper level with ourselves and others this year, but we need to be open to being vulnerable. Relationships will be a top priority.
From a financial perspective, the snake year offers a steady cash flow, but is not the best for high-risk investments. So, focus on what brings stability and steady growth.
Spiritual exploration will be at an all time high this year as the snake is naturally intuitive and mystical. Focusing on the inner world will help you move through 2025 with ease and grace. Take time out for healing, meditation, journaling and any kind of spiritual workshops or retreats.
In Chinese Medicine, the element Wood rules the liver and gall bladder, so watch out to not drink too much alcohol! This is a year to heal your liver, and reduce alcohol consumption.
Other health issues to be aware of in a snake year are digestive problems, eye health and mental health. Make sure you take time to de-stress, review your diet and perhaps book an eye exam if you haven’t had one for a while!
In terms of colours to help you succeed this year, wear gold for wealth, green for good fortune, and red for harmony, which also helps to repel negativity and aid protection!
Do not harm any snakes in 2025, as it can lead to bad luck!! Honour them and give them the respect they deserve.
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Blissful Blessings,
Sarah x
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Blissful Blessings,
Sarah x
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