Lion’s Gate Portal Energies 8.8

Lion's face

Every year from July 26th to August 12th, we have an annual cosmic event (planetary alignment), the Lion’s Gate Portal.

This is adding yet another layer to the already powerful energies we are all experiencing at this time, so get ready for some more energy shifts and transformations!

This is when the sun is in the constellation of Leo (hence the name 'Lions Gate'). ​It is said to be a 'Star Gate', in other words, a gateway portal of energy.

The lion’s energy includes brotherhood, strength, courage, self-fulfilment, the divine feminine, creativity, intuition & imagination.

The 8th of August is when the energy peaks (8/8). This is the time when the Earth aligns with Sirius and the galactic centre to create a Stargate portal. This sends us waves of energy and downloads to activate personal and planetary ascension.

The number 8 is a balanced number and relates to the balancing of both the material and spiritual aspects of our experience. It is also the number of Karma – the Universal Spiritual Law of Cause and Effect, so things should get interesting in August given what is currently happening in the world!

August holds the vibration of the number 8, which resonates with the vibrations of authority, personal power, self-confidence, success, abundance, giving and receiving, the ego, truth, spiritual consciousness, world transformation, and infinity.

All emotions will be heightened during this time, so if you are an Empath, then the chances are you may become super sensitive, so please make sure you practice self-care and ground regularly so you don't become overwhelmed.

As we ascend, there are lots of symptoms we may experience throughout the process, here are a few that may come up during this high-energy period.

Some of the things you may experience during the Lion’s Gate are:

  • The past coming back (can be in thoughts or real life) to help you let go, find closure or release old energy.

  • Endings ~ relationships, jobs, etc

  • New beginnings ~ moving, new relationships, new ideas, etc

  • Energy downloads

  • Heart Chakra opening!

  • Repeating numbers, signs, and symbols

  • Weird, strange, scary, or very “real” dreams

  • Days of extreme fatigue. Your body is losing density and going through intense restructuring.

I have also posted a full list of Ascension Symptoms based on the work by Samuel Greenburg to help you understand more about what is happening.

This year’s Lion’s Gate portal is even more powerful as it is a triple 8 (2024 is an 8 year in numerology). The Lion’s Gateway alignment will play an important role in the awakening of humanity.

This energy is helping us all to awaken even further and to open our Heart Chakras. We are recognising that we are all connected no matter what is happening externally.

Use this energy to set an intention to embody the Lion’s heart, which is courageous, bold and fearless! The divisions that are being created right now are happening to try and stop the love from flowing freely. So, let’s be love.

Make time to just be. Sit, breathe and allow the energy to flow.

Thank you so much for reading and sharing my posts. I appreciate it so much.

Thank you also for buying me a cup of coffee (purple coffee cup!) to help me run this blog and keep it ad-free! I am incredibly grateful for your support.

Blissful Blessings,

Sarah x


Copyright © Sarah Shepherd of Blissfully Free. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share my articles, but please reference a working link back to the article. Thank you.


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