The purpose of this blog is to offer a little guidance on your journey ♡
Buying me a coffee (purple coffee cup!) helps support me to offer this blog and the freebies! Thank you, Sarah ♡

Lion’s Gate Portal Energies 8.8
Every year we have an annual cosmic event, the Lion’s Gate Portal, so get ready for some more energy shifts and transformations! The 8th of August is when the energy peaks (8/8)!

Happy New Astrological Year 2024!
If like me, you have been feeling like you are on some crazy ride that never seems to end then you are at the right place!! The energies have pushed us into an incredibly deep healing process…

Finding Your Centre Workshop
This is the replay of the workshop “Finding Your Centre”, which includes a lovely healing meditation to help clear your energy and find your centre.

How To Clear Your Energy Field and Aura Easily
If you are feeling tired and low, perhaps you need to clear your energy field?! We can clear and protect ourselves from negative energy, whether that be from other people or places with 3 easy steps!

Developing your Spiritual Abilities? What are the “Clairs”?
When a person begins to awaken, spiritual or psychic gifts emerge and develop.
Here is some information about the different kinds of ‘Clairs’ and a few tips to help you practice.

22 Signs You are a Starseed!
Do you ever feel like you’re different from most people? Have you often experienced a feeling of not fitting in? Do you long to “go home” without knowing why?

Are You Shifting into the REAL You? Ascension Symptoms Explained
If you are aware of what is happening and here to be of service to others, you may be feeling these extremes much more intensely!
Know you are not alone and are not going crazy!