The purpose of this blog is to offer a little guidance on your journey ♡
Buying me a coffee (purple coffee cup!) helps support me to offer this blog and the freebies! Thank you, Sarah ♡

Happy New Astrological Year 2024!
If like me, you have been feeling like you are on some crazy ride that never seems to end then you are at the right place!! The energies have pushed us into an incredibly deep healing process…

Finding Your Centre Workshop
This is the replay of the workshop “Finding Your Centre”, which includes a lovely healing meditation to help clear your energy and find your centre.

How To Clear Your Energy Field and Aura Easily
If you are feeling tired and low, perhaps you need to clear your energy field?! We can clear and protect ourselves from negative energy, whether that be from other people or places with 3 easy steps!

9 Best Crystals For Empaths
Empaths tend to soak up all the negative vibes and emotions, which can be exhausting! Crystals can take the edge of some of this intensity and help us stay clear, grounded, and protected.

What is an Attunement and How Can It Help Your Spiritual Growth?
An attunement is an incredibly powerful and sacred process, which enables us to enhance and accelerate our spiritual growth more quickly.

How to Smudge Your Space and Bless it with Love!
Included in this post is a step-by-step guide on how to smudge, an intention to say, and a lovely Home Blessing I have written to help you fully cleanse your space and fill it with positive vibes!

What is the Point of Space Clearing?
Space clearing helps to clean, lift and revitalize your space. It is done to clear an area of negative energies and bring in positive vibrations to help you feel happier and clearer!